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I have been loading up my library holds, mostly based on recommendations from my favorite book podcasts (read my post on my favorites here or here). I can’t wait for them to come in, some are digital and some are hard copy books, I like to have one of each going at any time.

The Door to Door Bookstore

By: Carsten Henn

An elderly traveling bookseller befriends a child on his route. This book is already an international bestseller and I can’t wait to see what all the fuss is about!

The Housekeepers

By: Alex Hay

This one actually came from a podcast not previously mentioned in either of my other two blog posts, Friends and Fiction. Billed as an Oceans Movie mixed with Downton Abbey, I could not resist immediately putting this one on my holds list. Those are two of my all time favorites!


By: Emilia Hart

I heard about this one and looked more in to it. Only to find out it had several things to recommend it. It is a triple time line book, covering 1619, 1942 and 2019 and I do love a good multiple timeline book. It also has the possibility of filling two squares on my BINGO card being both a one word title and a debut for the author. Read about getting your own BINGO card here.